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IRFA Invites stakeholders to participate in its industry survey

Please help IRFA to energise our retirement ecosystem by completing industry survey

 The theme of the annual IRFA  conference to be held in Durban at the end of July  emphasizes  the interconnectivity and impact of all the components in our African retirement ecosystem.

 As the Institute of Retirement Funds Africa exists to support and serve  both our membership base and the retirement sector at large, we see our primary role as equipping  this ecosystem  with knowledge, services, advocacy and education to generate and sustain energy in this crucial socio-economic environment.


Hence it is imperative that the retirement sector itself help us constantly redefine our delivery and service package  so that we can continue to meet your dynamic needs, now and in the future.


In addition to our range of member services aimed at knowledge transfer and industry development, the IRFA represents the retirement sector in negotiations with government authorities and the Financial Conduct Services Authority. (Including commenting on legislation and tax matters affecting retirement funds/pensioners and all stakeholders.) We like to think that we are your voice in the sector and your needs and opinions define our programming and strategy. 


To ensure that we consistently deliver to your requirements as well as to global standards, we believe it is time to revisit member and sector needs and opinions.


Hence we would be very grateful if you could take a few moments of your time to provide your valuable input. All results are being analysed by an independent research practice to assure anonymity and confidentiality.


Please click on the following link to complete the survey. If the link will not open please cut and paste the link on your browser.



Thank you for your valued participation


Wayne Hiller van Rensburg
